
  • MOUGG GmbH
    Karl-Friedrich-Benz-Straße 2,
    79395 Neuenburg

    Phone: 07631- 9388850
    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Registered office of the company: Neuenburg am Rhein

    Register court: Freiburg Local Court
    Commercial register number: HRB 729727

    Management: Yawei Nan


    WEEE No. 23371419

    LUCID Register No: DE4242420033349

    Responsible for content according to § 55 II RStV: MOUGG GmbH (address see above)

  • Picture credits

    © Adobe Stock | #292844646 | deagreez | Homepage, About us
    © Valiphotos | Tall Trees | Pexels / Sustainability
    © Pixabay | Pexels / Service
    © Nextbike by TIER | Pexels / MOUGG about character
    © Artem Podrez | Pexels / Shipping
    © Noel-Bauza | Bamboo Trees Forest by | Canva /MOUGG-Climate neutral
    © Thananat | Closeup bicycle tire | Canva / MOUGG tire pressure
    © Georgijevic | Bike chain cleaning | Canva / Service partner banner
    © Leung Cho Pan | Woman holding key | Canva /Payment method banner

    Arbitration body
    Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 (1) ODR Regulation: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find at

    We always endeavor to resolve any differences of opinion arising from our contract by mutual agreement. Furthermore, we have decided not to participate in arbitration proceedings. We are not obliged to do so. Our e-mail address is [email protected]


    Liability notice
    Insofar as this website contains external links (hyperlinks) to third-party websites, these linked websites are the sole responsibility of the respective operator. Mougg GmbH has checked the content of the external target pages for any legal violations before setting up any links. Nevertheless, Mougg GmbH has no influence on the content of the target pages, so that Mougg GmbH expressly does not adopt the content of the linked pages as its own. Mougg GmbH also checks the linked pages at regular intervals and will immediately remove the relevant link if it becomes aware of a legal infringement on a linked page.